Just breaking dawn with mostly rainy weather for picture taking. Has been a very different year compared to last, but much more appreciated with the additional rainfall. I only needed to water 3 times this year compared to last year where there may have been 3 days I didn't have to water.

Overview of the Japanese Maple Fireglow with surrounding Hosta and the Pinus s. Glauca Nana on standard. The beautiful Hydrangea blooms in the background on the other side of the path.

The bottom corner of the garden with the foliage still showing on the Iris, Daylily and Sedum. You can see the small Picea p. Glauca Globosa surrounded by Coreopsis and Heuchera.

Hydrangea Limelight off to the right of the corner along with a few others already mentioned.

The red Double Knockout Roses are still in bloom here. You can count on them no matter what.

On around to some of the Ninebark Diablo's and the lovely Hydrangea Pinky Winky and Hydrangea Quickfire along with the big Hosta garden. I added a few new shrubs to this area but they aren't real noticeable yet. Will be something new to look forward to next year.

The Caryopteris Blue Mist shrub is putting out lots of blooms now, with Sambucus Black Lace behind it.

Was outside one morning very early and Pagan ran over to the potty pad to potty and looked down and sniffed and when she moved I saw the little toad. Got my camera and got a shot. I think it's actually one of those tree toads. There were 2 under the patio, but the other one I took the photo was on concrete and it didn't come out very well.
Pięknie masz jeszcze w ogrodzie, niczym w lecie. U nas już były przymrozki i ogród jest smutny. Pozdrawiam.
Beautifully you have in your garden, like in the summer. You already have frost and the garden is sad. Yours.
What a beautiful Caryopteris! I love the Knockout roses too! There is a great deal to be said for getting into the garden early - especially when you get to photograph garden visitors like the toad. Your garden is looking lovely.
Interesting to hear that summer for you this year has been almost an exact inverse of what you had last year. The garden is looking lovely Cher and especially love your Japanese Maple and the Caryopteris!
Your garden looks great!
Your garden is looking great for the time of year Cher. You've got masses of colour. Your Acer is a stunner!
Weather here in Scotland has been entirely opposite from last year too, we've had a distinct lack of the usual rainfall but the plants haven't suffered too much, I'm pleased to say!
Everything is looking so neat and tidy, not a weed in sight! Your Fireglow Japanese Maple has colored very nicely. I hope you are finding some time to enjoy fall gardening!
The toads are probably happy for the rain too. All the foliage in your garden looks so nice. Some of ours is pretty rough from the winds.
Your garden looks great! I love the vibrancy of those Knock Out roses. Your garden must be a happy place if you have toads. I hope some of your rain heads our way. We're pretty dry up here.
Your garden is full of colour also in this season! Very beautiful and inspiring... Hugs!
Hi Cher
Your garden has filled in nicely and I love the pinks in the first photo.
Our dogs are always interested in something new on the ground, aren't they?
Schön sieht dein Herbstgarten aus.
Vor allem die Limelight gefällt mir sehr gut.
Wie unterschiedlich das Wetter in diesem Sommer war.
Du hattest viel Regen.
Ich habe hier den heißesten und trockensten Sommer seit vielen Jahren erlebt.
Gruß, Anette
Hi Cher,
I am so glad to hear that this summer was so much better for you!
Your shrubs are growing so nicely. I love photo #1.
Hi Cher, The Blue Mist shrub, hydrangeas, and Japanese maples are gorgeous! Your gardens look so neat and tidy - very well-maintained. I'm glad the weather has been more favorable for gardening in Ohio this summer. Looks good! We have a little tree frog that has been living in one of those self-watering hanging pots all summer long. I see him peeking out of the watering hole every day.
Autumn looks spectacular in your gardens, Cher.
Cher, your garden is looking magnificent! LOVE the yellow leaves of the hostas contrasting with the purple of the japanese maple. And your pinus standard is fabulous, too. Of course, the rest of your garden is also beautiful. You did a great job l in designing your garden for autumn.
Beautiful gardens, as evidenced by you having cute toads around! Love the Sambucus and Hydrangea limelight. Great shots all!
Hi Cher!
What a good year you've had! It's so nice not to be a slave to the watering. That only happens here in the winter. The tree toads sure are cute! It always makes me feel good to see the little creatures who come to visit - the big ones, no!
:))), dziękuję, że byłaś i pozdrawiam.
:))) Thank you, and I greet you were.
Beautiful garden. On the last post I really interested with your hydrangea, so beautiful and I have never seen before. Lovely blog.
Thank you for sharing.
I invite you to visit my blog.
Lovely pretty pastels in your garden. Thank you for sharing. Sarah
Such a beautiful view! Lovely colours!
Missing you! Hope you are doing well.
Hi Cher, almost every blog from every country around the world, including me, talks about the changes in the garden as affected by the seasons and climates. It really has been a drastic change! And i guess the most country which suffered from these are not only our gardens but our people, who lost lives and property from these changes.
And for having your positive thoughts and concern for us, my sincere gratitude and thanks. God bless you too.
Cher, glad you are still posting. I'm starting up again. Having some technical issues, though, LOL.
Spring is coming!
Diane from Cottage Garden
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