Winter hit Ohio early this year with snow on the ground in October. Without any doubt, our weather continues to be strange in some manner each year. Thankfully it was a great gardening season this year and I can only hope for the same next year.

The beautiful Acer Palmatum Crimson Queen with some of the burgundy Mums around her and of course the little girl Yorkie statue peeking between.

The yard is always shockingly bare when all the perennials are cutback to go into the Winter season. The Japanese Maple Fireglow stands out with the Hydrangea Tardiva showing their lovely yellow Fall colors and I am so glad that I changed to all the flowering shrub to add the Winter interest for me.

The beautiful Ninebarks. Although these are burgundy year round, showing Diablo and Center Glows here, the color holding throughout the seasons, they intensify some in the Fall.

Hydrangea Limelight on left with Hydrangea QuickFire on right and the Cotinus Golden Spirit in the center. The Cotinus (Smoketree) is golden all season, but enhances with red into the Fall. Hopefully this backline of shrubs along with the others back here really takes off next year with growth.

The Picea Abies Reflexa along with the Viburnum Autumn Jazz, starting to show her Fall colors from behind.

Some more Ninebark Diablo's on the other side of the yard. I love these beauties. I do have some Spirea's in between there but moved them forward right before the photos and most of the leaves dried up on them. I found that the Ninebarks tend to be more weepers and because of that had to move forward some shrubs more than I originally had them.

The Hydrangea Pinky Winky on left and another Hydrangea Quickfire on right. Quickfire always has outstanding Fall color, more so then any other Hydrangea's that I have.

The beautiful Acer Griseum Paperbark Maple showing her outstanding Fall color. You don't get it long, around a few weeks but it's a nice bonus on top of the outstanding bark of this tree.

Not to forget some of the perennials. Hosta Brass Ring is one of the most outstanding to show the color change.
A beautiful Orchid a neighbor brought me down recently. Not the best situation here for inside plants but I'll enjoy it's lovely blooms for the time being. Of course you can see a couple of the other Yorkie collection items in this photo. Hope you all have some wonderful holidays.
Kwitną tylko jedne kwiatki, ale i tak jest pięknie kolorowo u Ciebie w ogródku. Drzewka i krzewy ładnie się przebarwiają. Pozdrawiam.
Flowers bloom only one, but it is beautifully colorful with you in the backyard. Trees and shrubs nicely discolour. Yours.
So jealous of the color! So many of The woody perennials you have here, I've lost to the Japanese Beatles.
Thank you, Cher, for the cheerful and encouraging comments.
You are a good friend!
Happy December!
All your colorful shrubs and trees certainly bring a lot of variety to your fall/winter garden. Time for the garden to take a little nap.
We do like your garden and selection of plants Cher! Some lovely, rich autumn colour there and even better to hear that some of them will keep their colour to varying degrees all year round. Hope you're having fab holidays!
We need to get some Ninebark! My husband admires them every time we see them. You sure have assembled a colorful bunch of shrubs! What a great combination.
We're looking forward to a few warmer days this coming week. Need to take care of a few outdoor chores to be ready for REAL winter :)
I like all the burgundy and pink hues in your garden Cher. Ninebark seems to get mildew easily here and I've had to pull a couple out, and cut the gold one back to the ground in the summer. The colour from the paperbark maple is awesome, and really compliments your other plants.
I've not seen H. Brass Ring, might need to check it out for my collection.
Have a good week.
You do have a nice variety of foliage plants for fall. Those Maples are beautiful! And I don't usually think of hydrangeas for fall color, but you certainly have some nice colors with the ones you have chosen. And you even have color from your hostas!
Lovely autumn colours Cher - those Ninebarks are just wonderful, aren't they? Like you I'm wishing for a repeat of this summer in 2014 - we can keep our fingers crossed together :)
There is great color in your garden, Cher. I love your hydrangeas, ninebarks, Japanese maples, and paperbark maple. Very pretty, very colorful. Your orchid is lovely too. Enjoy!
So beautiful Autumn colours!
I'm a fan of ninebarks too! I have Summerwine but I would like to add Coppertini. They are a little hard to find in my area.
Hi Cher!
Glad you had such a wonderful year. The trees and shrubs are lovely as usual. Don't you love those little orchids? They're practically indestructible. My kids got me one several years ago and it blooms faithfully every year. Happy holidays to you too!
Ein wunderschön gefärbter Garten.
Vor allem der Ahorn sieht ja toll aus.
Wird es bei euch so kalt, dass die Hosta im Haus überwindern müssen?
Gruß, Anette
Your fall colors are absolutely fabulous! So sorry to hear you've already got snow, though. It'll be a long winter. I'm already looking forward to spring, and we don't have snow! I hope you and yours have a very Merry Christmas!
Beautiful! You have some of my favorites--the ninebarks, paperbark maple, and hydrangea limelight. Yours all look gorgeous!
Thank you Cher for your always kind comments... Merry Christmas, dear friend... and hugs from Italy...^___^
Życzę wesołych Świąt i pozdrawiam.
I wish you a Merry Christmas and best regards.
Merry Christmas dear Cher... Hugs.
Dearest Cher,
Wishing you a merry Christmas and a happy new year with your love ones.
We used to make Yorkie chocolate bars here in York!
Happy Christmas Cher
Szczęśliwego i spokojnego 2014 roku !
Happy and peaceful 2014!
Auch dir ein frohes neues 2014 mit viel Gesundheit und immer tollen Gartenideen.
Happy New Year, Cher! Your garden puts on such a beautiful display of colors even without blooms. That shows what a talented gardener you are. I love your ninebarks! I have never tried growing this shrub - not sure if it grows here - but I just may have to try to squeeze one in around here. Yours are just gorgeous!
Love the garden photos!
Hi Cher. I have been getting a terrible amount of spam comments and have been playing around with ways to get rid of them. I just set my permissions for a certain thing, but not sure if it allows BlogSpot comments. Can you please just make a quick test comment for me?
I'm trying to avoid doing the thing where you have to type the numbers, as I have a bit of trouble reading them myself....
Thanks, Diane
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