Hydrangea are blooming in the gardens. June always brings Quickfire blooming and July has the others blooming with TarDiva being the last to do so. To the right of them is a new shrub I just added, Fothergilla Mt Airy. I still have to add something to the right of that but nothing has struck me for it so we'll see what I do there. Still waiting for some of the Hosta to grow up here. A couple more years and this area should be just what I wanted.

Hydrangea Pinky Winky and Hydrangea Quickfire with Daylilies to each side, entering into the Hosta garden.

The pink Mums have been blooming since the first of July. The burgundy ones are blooming elsewhere in the yard. You can see Hydrangea TarDiva to the left here.

Hydrangea Limelight. Still one of the most spectacular Hydrangeas to own. The blooms are always spectacular and showy.

Hydrangea TarDiva is less showy than Limelight, yet I like it's more delicate blooms and is a little different than the bolder paniculatas.

Hydrangea Pinky Winky is one that I just adore since adding two to my gardens, the blooms are spectacular.

Hydrangea QuickFire I love for it's early blooming each year in June. The blooms quickly go from white to the pinkish shade and are delicate looking. I have 3 of these in the yard and they all look great this year.

Hydrangea Vanilla Strawberry has been in for several years now. I'm not happy at the slow amount of growth and lack of fullness. It really should have done better this year with the amount of rain we have gotten. I will watch it another year or so and see what it does.
I love your different hydrangeas, very pretty.
You have a lovely collection of Hydrangeas Cher, especially like the Limelight!
So many hydrangeas and all spectacular!... Limelight is my favourite... Hugs!
The pinks and purples looks so good and then a nice pop of white!
Hydrangeas have to be my favourite shrub Cher and like you I have a few different names ones. Love Limelight so much I bought Little Lime but I couldn't get Vanilla Strawberry so settled for Fire and Ice.
I'm looking forward to receiving Ruby Slippers, the dwarf oak leaf I ordered.
Your beds are so neat and tidy, just how I started out and now everything is overgrown - time to do an overhaul.
Thanks for showing all of your hydrangeas. They look great. Your new gardens are really beginning to fill in. Your hostas looks nice, too. No bug damage?
Your garden is looking lovely. I especially like all your hydrangeas. I think I would like to have 'Pinky Winky'...just need to find a place!
Dein Garten sieht wunderschön aus. Hier blühen jetzt auch die Hydrangea. Ich habe nur die Linelight, die mir besonders gut gefällt.
Gruß, Anette
Your hydrangeas are so pretty, Cher. I really like Quick Fire. I also like Pinky Winky (I have one) and Limelight. The mums look pretty too, Cher. Your garden looks very neat and tidy and pretty!
Hi Cher!
Lucky you to have gotten all that rain. You sure can tell the difference compared to last year. Everything looks very lush and Pinky Winky is wonderful!
Love the hydrangeas, especially the Pinky Winky! What a pretty color, and it looks so nice next to the pink daylily. I'm surprised to see your mums already blooming, but they look so very pretty. In fact, your entire garden looks lovely.
Cudne masz hortensje i pięknie Ci rosną. Uwielbiam je i też mam w ogródku. Lubię patrzeć na zmianę koloru kwiatów. Pozdrawiam.
You have a wonderful and beautiful hydrangeas grow on you. I love them and also have in the garden. I like to look at changing the color of flowers. Yours.
The rain is a nice change from all the drought you had before. :o) Your garden looks beautiful. I love those oak leaf hydrangeas and wish I room for one. I just can't seem to find the space that gives them all the moisture they need.
Sorry I missed this post! Your Pinky Winky hydrangea looks great. Mine is a big disappointment. My mums are just beginning to bloom. Love the limelights- I agree they are one of the best to own! Have a great weekend!
Sorry...I'm way behind on blogs with being gone for two weeks.
LOVE the hydrangeas! every year I want to buy some different types and then I think I don't have room. I think I'm just going to have to make room somewhere.
Your hostas still look very nice. Mine looked bad after I came home with no rain and the heat while I was gone.
Those are lovely collections of hydrangeas. I love them too most specially because the colors vary depending on pH so i guess i can manipulate it, however previous attempts failed because they prefer colder climes. And i love the variety name 'Pinky Winky' reminding me of Telletubies' Tinky Winky.
You have so many different hydrangeas. They are just the best, aren't they? I have three different ones, but the one that really does the best for me, is the Annabelle.
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