This Spring and Summer has been a world of difference from last year. No drought, although a lot more days in the 90's than in years past, but we have had lots more rain than we've had in numerous years and the plants sure appreciate it.

This side of the yard and the biggest garden area is really starting to fill in since changing to mostly flowering shrubs 3 years ago. I think a couple more years and it will be what I have envisioned.

The back line has been a little more frustrating. It's taking longer to fill in. For some reason the shrubs are growing a little slower, of course it's not all the same ones or they've not been in quite as long. I was hoping they'd all take a big leap this year growing, but so far just small amounts.

This side is doing a little better with it's growth also, although I still have to add one more shrub in the Hosta garden. The Japanese Maple here is Emperor 11 and is new of last Fall so it has a way to grow before it provides shade for the Hosta.

One of the Lavender plants in full bloom, I love these, you can smell them from quite a distance and it's wonderful. They are also evergreen here in zone 6.

Just to share, here is a photo of my Yorkshire Terrier, my newest Champion Quent. Relaxing before a show!
I love your gardens. It must be a real treat to stroll through them seeing all of that beauty.
Your Yorkie is adorable.
Have a nice weekend ~ FlowerLady
Myślę, że roślinom pomogła większa ilość wody, bo urosły. Nie wszystko szybko rośnie, bądź cierpliwa. Już jest ślicznie. Pozdrawiam.
I think it helped the plants more water, because grown. Not everything is growing fast, be patient. It's already beautiful. Yours.
Last year was terrible. So glad you don't have the drought conditions going on....your backyard looks amazing! Everything is filling in quite nicely.
Your gardens are looking lovely this year! The nonstop rain has been a blessing for the flowers!
Cute yorkie!
The garden is filling in. It all had a rosey tint some how!
What a well tended garden! I like your choice of plants. A lot of nice color.
And your Yorkie is a beauty!
there is nothing like rain to make a garden shine! Your
garden looks beautiful!
Your new Yorkie is adorable, too. I did not realize you show them. Good luck in the next show!
The garden is looking lush and lovely Cher! Heat with regular intervals of rain is a fab combo for the summer :)
Cute Yorkie!
It really IS filling in beautifully! I wonder if I could "do" Japanese maple here? Yours are SO pretty. Are they temperamental, do you think????
Be patient Cher, before you know it you'll be pruning the shrubs because they're growing out of their bounds. (which is the point where I am) All the rain this year has made a noticeable difference in many plants and we can consider ourselves lucky not to have the drought some places are experiencing.
I like your Japanese maple, they're still iffy here.
Hi Cher!
That is one regal looking little dog. King of the garden, no doubt. It's so nice to see you having a good year with plenty of rain. Everything is looking plump and happy! I swear I can smell that lavender from here.
Cher, I know a lot of people are complaining over all the rain. Not me! I'll take it over this heat and humidity any day. It's so nice not to water every day. Your hostas are looking nice and I love that lavender.
Lovely garden Cher! I don't know how you do it and keep up your mom's place.
You are inspiring me to go try and pull a few weeds. Maybe I will even use up the 3 bags of mulch I've had for months! You go girl!
Glad you had time to make a post!
Your garden looks lush and healthy. :o) You were smart to switch to flowering shrubs. They are so much easier to take care of. Beautiful dog!
Your little yorkie is quite beautiful. And your garden has grown so much! Your Japanese maples are lovely, and your hostas are fabulous. Good to hear you're getting rain with your warm weather. I think plants love that combination.
Your garden is gorgeous. Such a beautiful series of photos!
Wie wunderschön es bei dir blüht! Du hast einen tollen Sommergarten. Besonders gut gefallen mir die Echinacea. Sie fangen jetzt auch hier mit der Blüte an.
Gruß, Anette
Hi Cher, Your Yorkie looks amazing! Congratulations! Your garden is looking lush and healthy. Your Japanese maples are so pretty. I like your daylilies and Asiatics too, and your walkway. Your garden is beautifully designed and I know it will fill in as envisioned over time.
Oh your garden is coming together so well and your Yorkie is gorgeous! Patience, dear gardener, patience.... and if patience isn't enough, imagine the plants looking mature and all will be perfect. I am starting to believe that I never see my garden as it actually is, but rather as it will be. It's a less stressful way of viewing my imperfect plot!
Your plants are thriving... such beautiful borders. How I wish lavender was evergreen in my gardens.
Everything looks perfect! This is a much better summer than last isn't it! Love the lilies and Japanese maples. Your Yorkie is a beauty.
Congrats on your Champions--your gardens and Quent! So beautiful! Your gardens are so tidy, I wish mine were more like them!
Hi Cher, i remember that part of your garden way back, and it certainly got more vegetation and color, and your maple is so lovely. Thanks for visiting.
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