Spring was a long time coming this year. We're to get frost again tonight though. I know it will do a little damage to Hosta but that's part of gardening. Things are behind but at least everything is finally growing for the season here.

The path is really coming alive after such a slow Spring.

The Mums are very slow coming in this year compared to years past.

The Ninebarks in bloom. I love the burgundy foliage after the beautiful blooms.

The Sambucus Black Lace, AKA Elderberry and the Peonies in bloom. Unfortunately the color did not show up for the Peonies.

The Japanese Maple Emperor 1 and Hosta garden. The Hosta in this area are taking off well finally.

Some of the Salvia in bloom with the colors complimenting one another.

Some of the Iris that have been in bloom at Sunray.
Twój ogród nabrał już kolorów i jest bardzo ładny. Podoba mi się bardzo salvia w różnych kolorach. Pozdrawiam cieplutko.
Your garden has gained color and is very nice. I like it very salvia in different colors. I greet warmly.
It's been a slow start to spring in your area Cher but your garden is coming along very nicely. Nice to all the lovely foliage of your hostas, acer, and the blooms of your iris :)
Oh my, I just love your Nine Barks and the Sambucus Black Lace. They are wonderful! The rest of your flowers are lovely too but those two nabbed me.
Happy Gardening ~ FlowerLady
Wow... these pictures are great and the garden looks marvelous! I had to check the date of your post as I couldn't believe the possibility of frost... unreal and you must know by now whether it happened... I certainly hope not! Larry
Wow - love those ninebarks!!! I've never seen these plants in real live - going to have to check them out! They are gorgeous in front of your fence. Your pathway is also quite beautiful. I love all the different foliage colors you have - great interest. I can't believe you're going to get frost still! It seems odd - we are in the 90's now most days!
It may have been a late spring, but it's looking good now! The benefit to cooler weather is that the flowers last longer :-) I love seeing the Diablo Ninebark bloom, the contrast of the blooms and foliage is amazing...and I love your Iris!!!
It is so lovely to visit your garden and look at all these gorgeous flowers.
Happy Day to you,
An English Girl Rambles
I love all the colors in your garden! Is that 'Fireglow' Japanese Maple? It is doing really well! (If that's it) Your irises look very happy, too. I think mine are olanted too clse together, and here I'm getting ready to order some more!
I'm so glad Spring finally arrived for you! Enjoy it. It's bound to be short.
Blue Iris is my favourite... Hugs!
Your gardens are looking lovely Cher. Do you ever get powdery mildew or fireblight on your ninebarks? This year I had fireblight on both the yellow and Diablo varieties.
Love the 3 salvia blooming together, a good reliable plant, isn't it?
Cher, what a delightful to see your garden coming along now. Can't believe you have a chance of frost, yet your garden is a good few weeks ahead than here is Scotland.
Your Ninebarks are gorgeous. I have 3 one of which is new last week and I doubt will flower. Your Iris are beautiful.
Hi Cher,
Your garden is looking beautiful...love those Ninebarks!
Our spring has never really begun...I guess we will skip it this year and go right into summer.
Great to see an iris in bloom again and your hostas look great.
FROST!? In June? That is a cruel climate for summer-flowering plants. Your garden looks lovely - I especially like your gorgeous Salvia.
Everything look so beautiful and colourful in your garden!
Such a pretty ninebarks plant!
Cher, Your ninebarks and hostas are just beautiful! Love your Japanese maples and the sambuca as well. Have a nice wknd!
Our irises are "done" - but MY were they ever beautiful!
Frost? Really?
And seeing your ninebark reminds me that Gary and I have talked about getting a bush or two. It's one of our favorites at the local Extension Gardens...
Was für eine herrliche Blütenpracht. Ich bin ganz begeistert. Besonders gut gefallen mir die vielen Iris-Farben.
Gruß Anette
Your flowers almost look like they glow. So pretty. The plants certainly look healthy even if they had to wait longer to start showing off.
You have a long winter while we have a long dry season. We are more than a month late with our rainy season. Maybe it's true that temperate countries will be colder and tropics will be hotter as a result of global warming. Regardless, it is always beautiful to see temperate plants with leaves other than green, contrary to our perennially green leaves. Yours are so beautiful.
Everything is laid out to flow so easily through the garden. Hope wind blows the frost away.
I pay close attention to design with Hostas -- I've decided Gingers would work well instead of Hostas I can't grow.
Your garden must be a little behind ours. My irises are done.
I love Ninebarks. I failed to get a photo of mine in bloom and yours are lovely! Just couldn't get around to everything!
It looks like your hostas are coming along nicely.
Oh the nine bark caught my eyes, very fetching.
I am surprised to hear you have frost in June this time of year. Love those irises.
Beautiful! I love the variegated hostas against the green foliage of your shrubs. It's very striking. Love the dark foliage of the elderberry and the ninebark's. Very well designed!
I love Sambucus 'Black Lace'. Unfortunately it gives me hay fever bad. The elderberry in our hedge rows is particularly bad this year around York.(Or particularly good if you wish to make elderberry wine!)
You still expect a frost? Thats not good!
Your garden looks great! I also have the black lace elderberry and it has grown so quickly and has masses of the flowers. I have to cut it back each year now because it's overshadowing all my iris. I hope the frost doesn't do much damage. Wendy
Being from Ohio, I know what you mean about frost in June! I was there for Memorial Day and like to froze to death! :)
New follower here, living in Texas now!
I have the Diabolo variety and the poor thing was almost dead this spring - aphids and too little fertilizer and it didn't like it's location. I moved it and it's growing like a hot damn! Poor thing.
You have a lovely garden. Now I want to go buy the black lace variety. Thanks a lot! LOL
Have a great weekend xox
Your gardens are so pretty! So many different flowers to see. Enjoyed your post!
Wow you Ninebarks look great. Mine are in their 2nd year here but I only had a few blooms. Yours are literally flooded with them! I like that white Salvia a lot. All I usually see is the purple. Your Iris's all looked healthy and pretty! Love that soft apricot colored one!
Love your ninebarks! I have the same scattered throughout my landscape. They are ten years old in my gardens and looked a bit frazzled this Spring so I cut them all down almost to the ground and they rebounded beautifully.
Just think, Cher, soon all this will be blooming again
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