Spring was a long time coming this year. We're to get frost again tonight though. I know it will do a little damage to Hosta but that's part of gardening. Things are behind but at least everything is finally growing for the season here.

The beautiful Malus Purple Prince. Even with suckering, I love this Crabapple. It has bloomed faithfully for me ever year.

My Bloomerang Lilac must be in it's 3rd Summer for me this year. It had bloomed both the first year and although still not at top height yet, this year it bloomed abundantly and I am quite happy with it's 3rd year in the ground.

The lovely Heather Hill on the front side of my house. I have a few newer ones in there planted last year but they'll be up to size within a couple more years. The upper parts are my patchwork Sedums.

Going down the pathway of the garden. The Hosta are finally coming up along this path and doing well.

This is where the garden beds were taken out last summer. With what is left it's starting to grow in and you can see the Sambucus Black Lace leafed out.

The back line is coming along. Hoping to get some height and fullness on the flowering shrubs. Most everything else here was new last year and will take a couple more years to fill in the areas.

The Acer p. Emperor 1 was put in last fall so a lot of years yet for that to develop to a decent size, but felt it would be a compliment as well as some shade for this Hosta bed.
Hope your Spring has been a better growing season than mine has been so far although we sure have gotten the rain which should be a big bonus for everything growing well over the next month.
All of your new plantings are coming along so nicely. I really like that Heather walkway!
It's been snowing here on and off since yesterday. After nearly 80 degrees last week, its in the 30's today.
Cher - it was nice to see your borders coming to life!
The shrubs in your long border there are similar in height to mine. I'm like you patiently waiting on them to gain height!!
Your hostas are all looking lovely and although most of mine are now showing there are one or two that are very slow.
Your crabapple is a delicious colour :)
Your crabapple tree always cheer me up! It is so beautiful flowering.
That Malus Purple Prince is stunning! And all of your new plantings are coming along nicely and the garden is looking lovely :) Spring may have been extra delayed there but glad to see that there are plenty of spring plant activity already.
Hi Cher
The crab apple is stunning and a nice compact size too.
Our spring has been erratic and today we've had snow again off and on.
My Bloomerang lilac was a trial shrub from PW and it's not done that well in my clay soil for some reason. This year it looks like most of it has died off. :-(
My hostas are just starting to unfurl and I think the greens of yours with the new Japanese maple are going to look fantastic.
Happy Mother's Day.
Gorgeous crabapple! Looks like your hostas are coming along nicely. I bought 12 new ones last week...yikes! Didn't know when to stop:)
We had frost this morning too. I was out early hosing off the hostas just to make sure they don't get more damage than they already have!
Wie schön es bei dir blüht! Mein Flieder steht jetzt auch drei Jahre, aber er hat nur 3 Blüten. Dein Flieder blüht wunderbar.
Deine Hosta harmonieren wunderbar zusammen. Und sie sind schon sehr weit.
Gruß, Anette
Hi Cher!
Glad Spring is finally starting for you. The whole garden is looking good! I really love your hosta lined pathway that leads to the little bench. Great job on that particular project. We're having opposite troubles out West. No rain and terrible heat already. It's been a really bad year for bugs. Enjoy the bits of Spring that you do get!
How many beautiful plants! I love lilac...
Your Malus Purple Prince is simply stunning. Wish I can plant it here. I don't see any leaves at all.
Hi Cher, Your garden is really coming along nicely. I adore Heather Hill! Stunning! Your crabapple is beautiful and so is your lilac. I have the old-fashioned lilacs and they are getting ready to bloom - maybe in the next week or so. I really enjoyed touring your garden today, Cher!
You have your garden well set up for ease of maintenance with ground cover and mulch. No weed in sight. It looks great.
Wow - your crabapple is amazing! I don't think I've ever seen one so full of blooms! And I love your heather hill. And the adorable little dog statue - so appropriate for your garden!
The tree is so beautiful! All red!
Everything look so lush!
Your garden is looking very pretty and healthy! Heather Hill is especially lovely! Happy Bloom Day!
Everything looks great! Your heather hill has filled in nicely and I like that sedum patchwork area too. Your hosta are up a lot further than mine. I like your pathway...I don't remember it from before? I see you even have Iris blooming! I bought a new purple/white speckled one today- I couldn't resist it! My lilacs are not ready to bloom yet either, but soon!
I can see why you love that Crab Apple...it's gorgeous! I love all your Hostas...I wish I had more space in shade so I could grow more of them :-)
I can't imagine frost in May! Things looks so much brighter now that spring has arrived. And I love that Crabapple tree which remember seeing in your last year's post.
Pięknie wygląda kwitnące drzewo. Hosty całkiem ładnie wygladają i chyba wspaniale Ci wyrosną. Ładnie jest z przodu Twojego domu. Pozdrawiam.
It looks beautiful flowering tree. Hosts quite nicely, and I think they can also look great on you grow. Nicely is in front of your home. Yours.
That lilac is fabulous! Mine is getting too much shade and even though it flowers, they are few and far between. :(
Hi Cher,
Your Malus Purple Prince is stunning! Don't you wish they would stay in bloom all year long? You have created a quaint garden path with so many lovely perennials.
Love you gardens! I just planted a couple of boomerangs... hope they do as well as yours!
Hello Cher, thanks for the visit. I didn't know that a little corner of otherwise a very long seashore with coconut trees will be beautiful for the temperate zone dwellers. It seems your area is one of the latest to get spring, but that is rewarded with wonderful colors in your garden. That crabapple is a perfect centerpiece for us who doesn't see it here.
Your new plants are looking great! Do you have much trouble with your Hostas being eaten? Mine have been nibbled by slugs and snails and are now covered in holes.
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