It was a busy day here with all the Butterflies and Bees buzzing around. Photos of my first Monarch Butterfly this year. It finally flew away as I followed it around trying to get a better photo of the wing spread

They are so beautiful and bright you can hardly miss them, which is a good thing. I love to watch them.

They are sure loving the Echinacea this year. This was a bonus shot with the bee on another flower.

The Daisies are blooming away. The height of the Daisies and Echinacea are huge this year. My Echinacea are atleast 5 foot tall. My Weigela shrubs have all but disappeared in there. I'm assuming this is from all the rain and hoping that I don't get quite this much height every year or that my Weigela starts growing some. Hope you all have a nice July 4th weekend.