Gardening information for zone 6 Ohio in neutral clay soil. The backbone of my gardens Hosta, Heather,
Heuchera, flowering shrubs, perennials, ground covers, conifers, and trees.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Garden Sambucus Black Lace Ninebark Center Glow

My flowering shrubs have been putting on quite the show this year. Even with the damages of the recent storms, they keep putting out their blooms.

This beauty is Sambucus Black Lace. The flower heads are beautiful. The recent storms I lost a branch on the left or there would be more blooms there.

This is Ninebark Center Glow. Very similar to my Diablo, but the new leaves start out with a little gold in the center and the interesting thing is the blooms are almost red they are so deep in color.

This is as good a shot as I could get of this tiny Columbine. I am just not thrilled with this black selection and if it doesn't perform better next year it will have to go. Let's hope this 90 degree weather in May is not what we can expect all the time this summer.


Mark and Gaz said...

Sambucus Black Lace is such a lovely plant, a must for must gardens I'd say :)

Anonymous said...

Sambucus Black Lace is such a wonderful NAME!!! I think I'd buy it just so I can tell my friends about having black lace in my garden.

Seriously, they are beautiful - I had never heard of them. We have Pacific Ninebark, which are not nearly as pretty as your center glow.

Raffaella said...

Beautiful as usual... this paradise garden!... Hugs!

Lona said...

Your Black Lace is just beautiful. I love the airy leaves. So pretty. Isn't it always this way from floods to desert. LOL!

Autumn Belle said...

The flowers of the black are a beautiful contrast to the lovely darker foliage. We have a thunderstorm here yesterday evening and it damaged some of my newly germinated seedings.

HolleyGarden said...

I love the Black Lace! Didn't realize this plant flowered - I love those, too!!!!

GirlSprout said...

I've never seen a black columbine before. Wish columbines worked better for me. Good luck with yours!

garden girl said...

I LOVE 'Black Lace' Sambucus! I have a few of them here. Before the trees leaf out the foliage is that nice dark color, but new growth after they leaf out is green. It's still a really pretty shrub though. I love the lacy foliage, whatever color it is!

Wow - I've never seen a black columbine either. I would give it a chance to size up. It may just be slow getting established. I have plants here that have taken years to show what they can do. They have taught me more patience than I wanted to learn!

Tina´s PicStory said...

pretty flower :)

Malay-Kadazan girl said...

You have many pretty blooms in your garden and many variety too. I wish I have a black columbine. I only have red and yellow.

Unknown said...

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