The Winter continues to show it's damages here in Ohio. Numerous things have already been replaced. Quite a lot was killed to the roots and waiting on the growth to return on them as with my Heath/Heather.
The Acer palmatum Fireglow came through the Winter as did all but one of my Japanese Maples. That one is a big disappointment to me.
The Peonies look lovely this year and the smell was wonderful. The Dogwood Golden Shadows sits to the left and I just love this shrub because it has the looks of a Japanese Maple in it's growth.
A grouping of the Iris in bloom. Don't know how those taller whites got to the front but they have since been moved towards the back.
The purple one here to Iris Pagan Dance that I got in tribute to my beautiful Yorkie CH Goldenray Pagan Dancer. These I just moved over to the right side where some of the whites were.
The path from several directions through the big garden.
The Ninebark Diablo's are looking great this year. Flowering up and showing great color.
Acer palmatum Garnet is looking lovely in the ground this year.
I love the Picea abies Reflexa and the harsh weather this past Winter didn't seem to cause it any harm either.
The Bloomerang Lilac showing lots of blooms this year.