A continuation of some of my Hosta collection from last month A through E. This month is letters F through L and next month the last M through Z. Photos were mostly taken beginning of May, after a hard freeze and then straight into the 90's. When the weather was already burning young tender new leaves, I started taking photos before they were totally mature.

Well I see my Yorkshire Terrier Pagan managed to get into one of the photos again. She loves to check out what is in the containers.
Hello Cher
I have some of the same hostas but can never find tags to identify them that last. I started out with the metal ones like you have but heavy snow after a couple of years crumples them.
It's always nice to see a cute furry face peering from under a plant.
Well that froze completely. It would be a shame wolf, because you have a lot of them very nice. Dog with you doing browsing the plants. Yours.
Amazing collection! It makes me wonder how many years it's been in the making. Are you still collecting?
Pagan is inquisitive and adorable, and I love your hosta collection! It's feels almost like going through a catalogue and we hey to see ones that we'd like to have too. Hopefully summer this year will be kinder and not as hot for you this year :)
I am still in awe of your hosta collection. I've one or two of these and Frances Williams is one of my favourites.
I so look forward to the soil warming up and those big fat shoots start to emerge!
Hey stranger. Love all your hosta's. They are one of my favorite plants. Cannot wait till the weather gets better and we can do our landscaping at the new house. We will definitely have some Hosta!
I am such a Hosta fan, thanks for all the names. It will be easier to get the ones I want, shopping by name. Lovely as usual.
So lovely...I SO wish I had room for one of each!
Pagan just wants a little attention!
All those hostas are nice. Do they always grow in clear distinct plantings like you have in the photos or do they eventually spread into the other plantings and need divided?
So nice to have these labeled! Hostas are such a wonderful plant. I love the variegated hostas - your Ginko Craig is luscious. I also like the blues, like your Halcyon. But I think I like the looks of June the best! So interesting! I can't wait until the hostas start emerging again. I have a few new ones that I hope have put on some growth this year.
Cher, You have many lovely hostas! I really like Hanky Panky and Guacamole, and Gingko Craig. I am anxious for the hostas and other plants to emerge again; come on spring!
Cher, You certainly have a way with hostas! It's a plant I really like and wish I could grow more of them, but the snails and slugs are so bad here. But I have enjoyed all the varieties that you have growing. Happy Valentine's Day!
Hi Cher,
A stunning collection of Hostas you have there! I hope we do not have a dry summer like last year. You are right those new leaves are so tender when just sprouting through...
Happy Valentine's Day Cher!
The middle of another month closer to Spring. March 10th we start daylight savings time, the countdown is on ;0)
All the Best,
Great collection, Cher. I love them all, but I think Dream
Queen below is my favorite.
I have been waiting on this. You really have a great collection!
I had the same problem with mine last year. Frost damage and then hot and dry. Hoping for a much better year!
I'll be watching for m-z next month.
Was für eine beeindruckende Hostasammlung. Ich staune immer wieder, wie viele Sorte es gibt und dass du so viele davon in deinem Garten beheimatest.
Ich freue mich immer, wenn ich deinen niedlichen Hund auf einem Bild entdecke.
Gruß, Anette
What beautiful, healthy hostas! I don't know the names of most of my hostas since they were gifts from a friend.
That's beautiful collection of Hosta! You dog is so cute!
Ich liebe Hostas auch!! LG Karin
Olá amigos...
Estava com muita saudades.
Fiquei feliz em ver voces.
Nunca esqueci de voces.
Ótima semana e fiquem com Deus.
Beijos e Aus das amigas do Brasil...
This is fun. I never realised there are so many types and different shapes of hosta leaves.
Wow Cher I never knew you had so many Hostas girl. LOL! How wonderful. Well I love them all. Have a good week even though it looks to be a wet one in one form or another.
That's a good idea to mark the hostas. I sure can't remember them all myself! I have a book I started and kept all the identfying tags but I want to mark them like you have. The Fortunei and Golden Tiara are the two I started with.
I hope this year treats you better and doesn't fry your plants again. I can hardly wait for this blanket of snow to go away and to see life emerge!
This is so nice post. Your pictures are very beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
wawwww! Beautiful!!!
So many pretties Cher! I love the Patriot hosta.
I met your blog thanks to Giga.
You're doing a fantastic picture. You have a wonderful blog.
I'd be happy with our relationship.
Hosts the pictures look very beautiful.
I send greetings.
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