My Heuchera collection did not do quite as bad this year as a great deal of my perennials with the drought and extreme heat we've had in Ohio. The hardest hit by the drought were the smaller immature ones, although all had some burned leaves, some more than others.

Heuchera Silver Scrolls and Heuchera Blackout. Silver Scrolls is absolutely a beautiful Coral Bells with it's very unique leaves. It's a little smaller Coral Bells than the others I have so if placing a group of varieties, this would be one towards the front. Love it. Blackout has very dark leaves and they seem to stay dark. So far it is handling itself here well.

Heuchera Prince and Heuchera Can Can. Love them both, they both do extremely well in my area and are evergreen and handled this year's drought and extreme heat in full sun.

Heuchera Plum Pudding and Heuchera Beaujolais. Plum Pudding is beautiful. Hard to tell from the photo but the leaves have very unique markings, love it. Beaujolias so far has done really well in this extreme heat and drought and both have been evergreen for me here.

Heuchera Midnight Rose and Heuchera Palace Purple. Midnight Rose is one of the most beautiful Coral Bells and handles horrible weather and is evergreen so far here. Palace Purple has been around from the early beginnings of the colored Coral Bells. It's prime looks are in the Spring, but I find it suffers in full sun more than most of the ones I have.

Heuchera Melting Fire and Heuchera Volcano. Melting Fire is one of my very favorites and handles all the horrible weather it's been put through this year. Volcano is still young but so far is doing well and both are evergreen for me.

Heuchera Georgia Peach and Heuchera Stormy Seas. Love both of these, both have handled the horrible weather this year and still look great. Both are evergreen for me.

Heuchera Dark Secret and Heuchera Frosted Violet. I love both of these, especially Dark Secret which handles all weather even the drought. Frosted Violet really is a very pretty purple. Both are evergreen for me.

Heuchera Caramel and Heuchera Tiramisu. Caramel is my favorite gold and tolerates a lot, absolutely love this Coral Bells. Tiramisu is a beautiful plant but it has had a very difficult time in full sun, hence it's small size after a few years. It's in a new location for a month now, still full sun, but not quite as intense so I am hoping it will do better next year where I moved it to. Both are evergreen for me.

Heuchera Bressingham and Heuchera Snow Angel. Both are green but such lovely plants. Bressingham's blooms are so eye catching, you notice them across the yard. Snow Angel is heavily variegated with white, although this particular photo did not catch it very well. Will try for a better one next year. Very pretty plant. Both are evergeen for me.

Heuchera Binoache and Heuchera Brown Sugar are both new to me this year. One of the important things I've noticed about Coral Bells is that you have better luck with at least a quart size plant. Anything smaller has too much of a chance of burning up over the summer with the stress of being new and not having enough leaves to help itself along. With a larger plant, if the top leaves burn up as they were all doing this year to some extent with our drought and extreme heat, the burned up leaves are there to protect the lower leaves and the plant will survive. Hoping they are also evergreen.
These are wonderful plants. I can see why you have such a nice collection of them.
Happy holidays ~ FlowerLady
What a lovely collection of Heucheras Cher! A wonderful foliage plants with delicate and wispy flowers in the summer. And tough plants too, evergreen and hardy here and has proven to be tolerant of the drought and heat you guys had last summer.
Looking forward to seeing how they get on in your garden in the next few months. I reckon they will be fine and bulk up nicely by next spring :)
Masz bardzo dużą kolekcję tych kwiatów. Są śliczne nawet bez kwiatów, dzięki pięknym liściom. Mam nadzieję, że wszystkie przeżyją do przyszłego roku, mimo suszy, która była. Pozdrawiam.
You have a very large collection of flowers. They are beautiful even without flowers, with beautiful leaves. I hope we all survive until next year, despite the drought that was. Yours.
Hello Cher
You have quite an extensive collection of heucheras. I have trouble overwintering them and have lost a few of the colourful ones that were favourites. I've not seen frosted violet before, I really like the dark purple veining on the shimmery purple leaves.
You have a lovely assortment of heucheras. I like all the purple ones but I think 'Caramel' is my favorite. I have it growing in a pot with purple Elephant Ears. It has been very dependable.
I had NO idea there were so many varieties. (I think I have only 3, but I DO enjoy them - and they seem to do well here.) Yours are WONderful!
Hi Cher, You have a lot of pretty heucheras! I enjoyed seeing them. My favorites are Midnight Rose, Silver Scrolls, Can Can, Melting Fire, and Caramel. Just gorgeous! Seeing such variety inspires me to plant more of them in my gardens.
Merry Christmas, Cher! Beth
Heucheras do not do well here. I never understood why, but your post tells me why: heat! Yours are so pretty. I especially love that Frosted Violet. What a luscious color. And the names of them are so interesting! Volcano, Fire, Storms! But I think my favorite name is Tiramisu. Who wouldn't love that?!
Wow....that's quite the collection you have. I love Frosted Violet.
I bought a new one this year,the name eludes me right now, but with the drought I don't think it survived:(
love heuchera - boy you do have quite the collection! i'll bet they are all so pretty combined! my favorite is the key lime ~ such a cheerful color in the garden! xoox,tracie
Cher you have such a beautiful collection of Heuchera in your garden. They come in so many great colors and the foliage lasts in all of the season that they are a must in a garden. I love the Caramel and Prince. Have a lovely weekend.
You have a great collection! I have a tough time with Heuchera Tiramisu, too. I have moved it a couple of times, but it's just not nice like the Caramel I bought at the same time. Maybe next year....we gardeners are always hopeful.
Hi Cher!
You must have every Heuchera there is! I've never seen such a large collection. I guess I don't have to tell you which one is my favorite... yep 'Caramel'. How pretty with the pink and gold!
Wow, you have such a fantastic collection of Heuchera plants! They come now in so many wonderful colors and look great with hostas. I can't really pick a favorite - they are all so unique.
Super schön sind deine vielen Heuchera-Arten. Ich habe auch verschiedene Heuchera im Garten, kenne aber ihren Namen nicht. Zur Zeit verstecken sie sich alle unter dem Schnee.
Gruß Anette
Hi Cher,
A very nice collection of Coral Bells! I have some in my garden as well. And would like to add some more. Great tip on the size of the plant surviving the heat waves. I will look for larger plants and more established plants in the Spring!
Love the dark leaves!
Beautiful! I have one plant of the green leaf variety, so far.
It's beautiful!
Merry Christmas to you!
Wow, you have a wonderful selection of Heuchera! Already looking forward to Spring here! Take care!
I like your collection of foliage plants. Wishing you a Happy Merry Christmas!
Поздравляю с Рождеством Христовым! В этот светлый праздник хочу пожелать мира и спокойствия в вашем доме, добра, взаимопонимания, достатка, любви, счастья, душевного равновесия, успехов во всех начинаниях, побольше радости, крепкого здоровья и всех благ! Пусть оправдываются все ожидания и сбудутся самые заветные мечты!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
You know so much about flowers, I would never recognize anything more than a rose or carnation. Merry Christmas!
Życzę szczęśliwego Nowego Roku !
I wish you a Happy New Year!
En este párrafo reposa un cofre de paz lleno de buenas intenciones, envuelto con el silencio del aprecio, sellado con una delicada estela de sonrisas, para ser enviado con la humildad de un beso para hacer presente el momento…
Mientras continuaré brindando para que el año nuevo te colme de felicidad
Y para que nunca te falte un sueño al que asirte cada amanecer…
¡¡Feliz salida y entrada de año!!
María Del Carmen
Interesting, I actually don't know what plant this is. Its good to visit here and learn something new.
Dziękuję, że byłaś u mnie i pozdrawiam.
Thank you, you were with me and greet.
Your heuchera look great! I only have a few heuchera, including an old one that I can't remember the name of as well as Lime Ricky and Georgia Peach. I really like the ones with the dark leaves. I may have to add a few more to my garden! :o)
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