With Fall here it's time for the cleanup that needs done. Until last weekend the weather had been quite nice and I had only cut back the Iris and Daylilies. This last week I started cutting back a few more things. I'm trying something new with my Hosta. I've always cut back in the fall. This year I'm going to let them go to mush and then pull up the mess. It has been mentioned that you get some slug eggs that way. So we'll see how this goes.

The Japanese Maple is Fireglow. I love the dark burgundy color of this tree. This is the area that I took out more than half a bed. Most of the Hosta that were here are now potted and will be part of my secret garden, which I'm hoping I have no problem with them surviving the Winter in pots. I left a few that were there and moved in a few to the spots of ones I was taking out. The Pinus s. Glauca Nana and Mums remained also. I was going to take all of this area out, but I was afraid I would lose the Japanese Maple and left this small area.

This was the home of my Echinacea and Daisies. I hated losing the whole bed which looked so lovely but it was time to reduce my load. Because of leaving the Japanese area above and to keep this area an even grass path, I had to fill this part in with the pavers so I just made it a little patio area. You can see the grass seed filling in now in part of the area that I took out. I did keep a few small clumps of the Echinacea and transplanted them elsewhere in the yard and one small clump of Daisies which were also transplanted elsewhere. Most of the rest was given away. You can see most of the areas around this have already been cut back for Winter.

Ninebark with Salvia Rose Sensation. Should have divided this past Spring, so hopefully it's still there in the Spring that it can be done then.

Several of the Salvias at the bottom of the yard and reblooming now for their last show this year. You can see some of the Burgundy Mums also.

Hydrangea Pinky Winky changing to it's pink color. I've been very happy with this Hydrangea and in fact have two of them, one on each side of the yard. They do extremely well in full sun.

A container of Sedum variegated. This is a very showy Sedum and does extremely well in a container which I don't protect at all in my zone.

Sedum Autumn Joy in bloom. Didn't get photos of the couple other varieties I have. Sedum does well no matter the weather and is one of the things that I did keep quite a bit of, even though I gave away a lot of perennials this year.

Well as always you can count of the Double Knockout Roses to bloom. Even with the drought and extreme heat of this Summer, these continued to bloom for me. In front of it is Lavander which does extremely well in heat. Just make sure you provide Lavendar with good drainage.

As with the Knockout, this beautiful Rose Apricot Drift just kept on blooming for me. It has Sedums on each side of it. Both of those will be transplanted next year.

This No ID Rose out of my neighbors yard and potted in her memory did ok this year also and has some new buds here.
Jednym słowem była prawie rewolucja w ogródku. Poprzesadzałaś rośliny, zrobiłaś miłe patio i wszystko to teraz ciekawiej wygląda. Kwitną Ci jeszcze kwiaty i to sporo :). Pozdrawiam.
In a word, it was almost a revolution in the garden. Poprzesadzałaś plants, did a nice patio and everything now looks interesting. Those are the flowers bloom and a lot of :). Yours.
Sunray ~ You have some wonderful blooms in your garden spaces. I hear you on cutting back on growing so much. Our gardens do not go to sleep at all down here, so that there is always something that needs doing.
I love your Japanese maple.
Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady
Hi Cher, Your gardens are looking pretty. I love your Japanese maple and the pines in the same bed. Your new patio looks good and will provide you with an enjoyable place to sit and relax while you look at your gardens. Your Pinky Winky and mums look good too. I enjoyed my tour of your gardens today, Cher!
Gardening is more enjoyable if the size of your garden matches your ability to care for it. I just added Rose Queen salvia to my garden so I hope it ends up looking as wonderful as yours. I don't cut back many of my plants in the fall. I leave the foliage up to help them overwinter. I do all my cutting back in the spring. I love those pink mums. :o)
Secret garden? Hostas? Can't wait....Sounds like my kind of place!! Hope you show pics:)
I love the Japanese maple. It is such a stunning color. And your patio looks very nice, too. It sounds like you have been working very hard, and doing a lot of transplanting. I, too, love easy care roses like the Knock Outs and the Apricot Drift. I was touched with the rose from your neighbors - what a sweet way to remember her.
Wunderschöne Herbstbilder. Mir gefallen die Pastelltöne der Hydrangea und das Rot des Japanischen Ahorn besonders gut.
Gruß Anette
Hi Cher,
As usual you are doing a great job in your garden. The flowers are so beautiful! It is so fascinating to see the wide variety of flowers you have. Do enjoy the rest of your weekend.
I'm tired just hearing about all you've done/will do:) My son was just telling me today that I should cut back on the size of my garden. I agree, but I don't know which way to go:) You Japanese Maple is beautiful, I don't blame you for not wanting to endanger it. Can't wait for the Secret Garden!
I'll miss your echinacea and daisy combo, but I know how hard it is to keep up with garden when it's too big. I've been thinking of giving my echinacea away next year. They take a little more water here than in other places. I like your new patio.
Your garden is still looking green! Nice to clean up a bit at a time with winter coming. Let's you focus on what still blooming nice.
Hi Cher, you've got some lovely blooms in your garden and love that Japanese Maple :) I can imagine your potted Hostas should be fine outdoors during winter. Looking forward to the development of your garden, and especially the Secret Garden! Thanks for sharing Cher!
Hello Cher
The garden is always a work in progress, isn't it? I like the changes you've made and the patio was a good idea for filling in a large area.
I've always left my hostas to spring for cleaning up and have no more slugs than usual. Good food for the toads and frogs anyway.
Hi Cher!
Looks like things have recovered very nicely for you after that long, hot Summer. Pretty color on that maple! I would not have risked losing it either. I like the changes you've made. I love gardens with lots of places to sit and get a long close look at things.
Olá amiguinhos queridos...
Muito obrigada por todo amor e carinho que voces me deram quando tive que me afastar do blog e estava com problemas.
Voces foram e são muito especiais em minha vida e na vida de Kippy.
Não queremos perder esta amizade NUNCA!!!
AMAMOS VOCES e temos muito a agradecer.
Agora voltamos e queresmos visitar e saber as novidades de nossos queridos amigos.
Não esqueça a gente, pois nunca vamos esquecer voces.
Fiquem com o Papai do Céu.
Ótima semana meus queridos.
Aus 1000 e Beijos 1000 com muito amor, carinho e gratidão das amigas,
Hi Cher,
Your garden looks wonderful as well as the changes you have made to your patio. Beautiful Japanese Maple.
I love that patio, Cher...so lovely! The Japanese red maple is gorgeous as well. Sometimes the ID isn't important...only the memory. :)
That wonderful collection of plants for Fall!
Cher, aside from your blooms, I love also the color of the pavers or bricks.
What a gorgeous garden. The blooms are beautiful.
How nice your yard still looks! (I was surprised how our beds had kind of thinned themselves out. I hadn't been paying much attention lately....)
I have SO much sedum to divide next spring. The blooms on ours have really turned DARK. And I noticed my lavender is reblooming.
My husband wants a ninebark bush or two. Hmmmmm. Should've seen to that. I wonder if it's too late.
what fun to be making a secret garden. I can't wait to see it!
You have really gotten things cleaned up for fall. I am afraid I will be leaving all of mine until spring. I think I only got one done on the messy neighbor side of the deck.
That variegated sedum is a cute little plant.
Autumn colors are on fire in your gardens! Beautiful! The blend of the still-blooming flowers and the changing leaves is a sight to behold. So lovely.
Hi Cher,
Your fall garden looks wonderful! I just did the opposite of you with my Hosta's for the first time I cut them all back wondering as well if this would help with slugs in my hosta beds. Should be interesting to see how it works out next season. Your garden looks like it has recovered from the heat of the summer months. Thank you for dropping by today!
All the Best,
Always enjoy looking at your cute figurines and decorations.
I just started to collect some iris and daylilies to bring back to my parents home.
Obrigada amiguinhos por nunca esquecer da gente.
Fiquem com Deus.
Beijos 1000 e Aus 1000 com carinho,
I have let my hostas go for the last couple of years, and what a difference. They pull out so easy this way. Why struggle with clippers when you can do it this way?
My fall cleanup is just about done. Our weather has changed drastically...so I'm happy to be inside.
Beautiful October color Cher. We're zone 5 here. Hoping that my salvia makes it through our Winter. It became a new favorite this Summer.
I love sedums, especially Autum Joy. The leaves on yours seem quite pale. I divided my big one this year and have made more clumps around my garden...oh and shared some with my friends.
Enjoyable post, I always feel like I learn something here. Lovely to have that pretty rose to remember your neighbor.
Beautiful garden and love your collection of all the different flowers and plants! Lovely!
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wonderful garden !!!
I enjoy visiting your garden and had a great time viewing the lovely flowers. I am also admiring the ornaments and the bird bath is something I wanna have in my garden.
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