Garden blooms continue in spite of the extreme heatwave we are having right now, as well as most of the rest of the country. I've spent many hours this month watering. We did get a token rain finally the other day but probably about 1/2 inch and wasn't worth getting excited over.
I like this Salvia Blue Sensation and I was thinking it would be like so many and look more purple. You can of course see the blue hue in the photo and I'm so glad I added it to the garden as I really like it and of course like the long bloom period of Salvias.
The Daylily Austintatious. Bright yellows are not always my favorites but it has really been a bright spot in this extreme heat. Everytime I look at it I like it more and more for it's being different and cheery.
My Daylily Ruby Spider is just about done for the year. Figure the rest of her blooms will be finished within the next week or so as well as with most of the other ones, other than the few rebloomers I have. Stella de Oro is already sending up new rebloom scapes.
Once upon a time I had probably a group of 50 of these Liatris. I think the squirrels must dig them up when I've moved them over the years and am down to just a few. Almost not worth the space any more. Especially considering I can just put Salvia there and get a longer bloom time. The TarDiva Hydrangea behind it is blooming also.