Gardening information for zone 6 Ohio in neutral clay soil. The backbone of my gardens Hosta, Heather,
Heuchera, flowering shrubs, perennials, ground covers, conifers, and trees.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Gardens Ninebark Salvia Iris Weigela

Spring weather sure isn't giving us much of a break here, but this is a few things I have in bloom right now. It's been hard not being able to spend much time outside yet. Seems like the only thing I get to do so far is mowing way more than I would like.

Salvia May Night with the shrub Ninebark Center Glow behind it. Love having the Salvia blooming.

Iris Alcazar and Iris Cemetery on the white one.

Not sure of the name, need to get it ID'd.

Not sure of the ID either.

Ninebark Diablo with buds just starting to open. Love these.

Weigela Dark Horse. Small shrub that fits with the perennials, and I love it.

Although I need very little to fill in my yard now, I find it interesting that they are getting very little in yet for the summer season. I think maybe because they haven't sold much this season here because no one can get out and plant anything. Maybe I'll luck out with some good deals. Oh wait a minute, I don't need anything. :)


Raffaella said...

How beautiful are your flowers! Thank you for your kind and constant comments... Make me happy... see you soon and have a nice week end!

HolleyGarden said...

Your irises are beautiful, and I love that ninebark! Just because you don't need anything doesn't mean you can't look!

GirlSprout said...

Great to see your salvia blooming. I love the May Night. I'm enjoying the Rose Queen, too in Santa Fe. Hope it warms up for you soon!

Anonymous said...

Our iris plants haven't even budded yet!!! So I am enjoying yours immensely!

Lona said...

Girl can you hear me ewwing and ahhing? LOL! That was what I was doing going down through your pictures. Your irises are so pretty. I have only one lone one blooming so far.I love dark foliage plants so your Ninebark and Weigela are just gorgeous.The Dark Horse looks similar to the Wine & Roses one. You have a wonderful weekend with the cute four legged kids.

Lona said...

Oh I forgot to tell you (old as dirt and forgetful) that moving your Red Knockouts will not phase them and they will take off blooming again once they get their roots to growing back in.

Casa Mariposa said...

Your weigela is beautiful! My dwarf weigela died of some weird disease 2 yrs ago. I was really frustrated because I loved the flowers so much. Some of my salvia is also blooming. :o)

Iowa Gardening Woman said...

What beautiful photos! Love the iris.

One said...

Your flowers are beautiful. You don't need to add anything anymore...or do you? :)

Unknown said...

I love Iris' and I hope you share pictures of your dogs on your blog in your garden. I hope they are not as destructive as my puppy

Patsy said...

the Iris are so happy ,I got the May Night this year and I sure like it. Things are looking good.

Tina´s PicStory said...

I like this flowers! thanks for following my blog. I will follow back :). May be you can have a look on my project and link in. I only want to see some childhood photos ;). Here is the link:
LG Tina

Tina´s PicStory said...

Blogger isn´t working - so I cannot follow in the moment. But I will do later! :) Because I like your blog!