Gardening information for zone 6 Ohio in neutral clay soil. The backbone of my gardens Hosta, Heather,
Heuchera, flowering shrubs, perennials, ground covers, conifers, and trees.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Flower and Plant Favorites 2011 in my Garden

I decided to do a post revisiting a few of my favorites of 2011.

Malus Purple Prince in the Spring. You can't ask for anything
more out of a tree when it presents such beauty.

The Echinacea and Daisies were so eye catching that it was
hard to see anything else during their bloom time.

And what can be more beautiful than a Monarch Butterfly.

The Daylily Austintatious. Brightened my garden over
and over with reblooming.

My Daylily Ruby Spider is one that just caught your
eye and drew you in for closer looks.

Hydrangea QuickFire. Always lovely but the bonus
of this fall color was really a plus.

Erica Mrs Donaldson is a beautiful Heath and always looks good.

Heath Erica Yellow John is one of my favorites year round.

This lovely Heath Williamsii Ken Wilson, is another
summer bloomer that always looks good.

Of course what would be the fun without my beautiful
Yorkie Pagan in there somewhere.

My Pinus Sylvestris Glauca Nana on standard with Mums on either
side of it with some mini and small Hosta in front.

Just a few lovelies that I felt deserved a second look for 2011 and
I wait patiently for their loveliness again in 2012.